GE Industrial Solutions Pulsar Plus Controller User Manual
Page 28

Pulsar Plus Controller Family
Issue 7 December 2011
Install and Configure Pulsar Plus NE843G Controller
Configure The 1-Wire Serial Bus Reference:
The ES771 modules must be referenced to the most negative potential of the DC bus. This
reference is achieved by the proper setting of Jumper 11 (board reference J35) that is located
next to the alarm relay configuration jumpers. The jumper is set in the factory for Positive
Grounded systems (-48V) unless the controller is shipped with an assembled system that has a
pre-determined primary output bus. An insulated tool must be used to set the jumpers.
For systems with Positive Grounded batteries (-48V/-24V), move 1-Wire Reference jumper 11
(J35) to the Positive Grounded position. For systems with Negative Grounded batteries (+24V),
move jumper 11 (J35) to the Negative Grounded position as shown: Again, the appearance of
the jumpers may seem different when the controller is a frame-mount controller because of the
orientation of the circuit board.
Return the cover to the unit.
Securing The NE-872 Contactor Control Module
If the NE-872 Contactor Control Module unit was removed from the back of the door mounted
controller replace it and tighten its mounting screws. Otherwise continue to step 7.
Securing The Slot Mounted Controller
If the sloe mounted controller was removed replace it. Otherwise continue to step 8.
Securing The Frame-Mounted Controller
If the unit was not mounted into the frame see Step 2. Otherwise this portion is complete.