GE Industrial Solutions EntelliGuard G Spring charge Contact User Manual
Entelliguard, Circuit breaker, Accessories

Spring Charge Contact
All electrically operated (EO) ANSI/UL breakers are
equipped with “Spring Charged” contacts for
status indication.
Catalog Number: GSCC1
Table1. Parts List
Switch with harness
M3 screws
M3 washers
Spacer 1
Insulation sheet
DEH-41375 Installation Instructions
Circuit Breaker
Spring charge Contact
WARNING: Before installing any accessories, turn the
breaker OFF, disconnect it from all voltage sources,
and discharge the closing spings.
Use the following procedure to install the Motor
Operator accessory into the circuit breaker.
1. Check that the package contains all the parts
listed in Table 1. If any components are missing,
contact the Electrical Distribution Post Sales
Service Team at 1-800-843-3742.
2. Turn the breaker off and discharge the closing
springs by depressing the OFF and ON buttons in
the sequence OFF-ON-OFF. Verify that the
breaker OFF-ON indicator shows OFF on a green
background and that the charge indicator shows
DISCHARGE on a white background. If installing
in a draw-out type breaker remove breaker from
adaptor (cassette) before continuing.
3. Loosen the 6 screws on front cover (fascia)
using a pozidrive screw driver as shown in Fig 1.B
Rotate the charging handle down and slide the
front cover over the handle to remove the front
cover as shown in Fig. 1.C
AVERTISSEMENT: Avant d’installer tout accessoire,
mettre le disjoncteur en position OFF, le déconnecter
de toute tension d’alimentation , et décharger les
resorts d’armement