Specifications compliance – Rainbow Electronics DS26503 User Manual

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DS26503 T1/E1/J1 BITS Element

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The DS26503 meets all applicable sections of the relevant latest telecommunications specifications. The
following table provides the T1 and E1 specifications and relevant sections that are applicable to the

Table 2-1. T1-Related Telecommunications Specifications

ANSI T1.102- Digital Hierarchy Electrical Interface
AMI Coding
B8ZS Substitution Definition
DS1 Electrical Interface. Line rate ±32ppm; Pulse Amplitude between 2.4V to 3.6V peak; power level
between 12.6dBm to 17.9dBm; the T1 pulse mask is provided that we comply. DSX-1 for cross connects
if the return loss is greater than -26dB. The DSX-1 cable is restricted up to 655 feet.
This specification also provides cable characteristics of DSX-Cross Connect cable—22 AVG cables of
1000 feet.
ANSI T1.231- Digital Hierarchy- Layer 1 in Service Performance Monitoring
BPV Error Definition; Excessive Zero Definition; LOS description; AIS definition
ANSI T1.403- Network and Customer Installation Interface- DS1 Electrical Interface
Description of the Measurement of the T1 Characteristics—100

W. Pulse shape and template compliance

according to T1.102; power level 12.4dBm to 19.7dBm when all ones are transmitted.
LBO for the Customer Interface (CI) is specified as 0dB, -7.5dB, and -15dB. Line rate is ±32ppm. Pulse
Amplitude is 2.4 to 3.6V.
AIS generation as unframed all ones is defined.
The total cable attenuation is defined as 22dB. The DS26503 will function with up to -36dB cable loss.
Note that the pulse template defined by T1.403 and T1.102 are different --- specifically at Times 0.61,
-0.27, -34 and 0.77. The DS26524 is complaint to both templates.
Pub 62411
This specification has tighter jitter tolerance and transfer characteristics than other specifications.
The jitter transfer characteristics are tighter than G.736 and Jitter Tolerance is tighter the G.823.
(ANSI) “Digital Hierarchy – Electrical Interfaces”
(ANSI) “Digital Hierarchy – Formats Specification”
(ANSI) “Digital Hierarchy – Layer 1 In-Service Digital Transmission Performance Monitoring”
(ANSI) “Network and Customer Installation Interfaces – DS1 Electrical Interface”
(AT&T) “Requirements for Interfacing Digital Terminal Equipment to Services Employing the Extended
Super frame Format”
(AT&T) “High Capacity Digital Service Channel Interface Specification”
(TTC) “Frame Structures on Primary and Secondary Hierarchical Digital Interfaces”
(TTC) “ISDN Primary Rate User-Network Interface Layer 1 Specification”