Rainbow Electronics DS26503 User Manual

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DS26503 T1/E1/J1 BITS Element

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Table 2-3. E1-Related Telecommunications Specifications (continued)

(ETSI) “Business Telecommunications (BT); Open Network Provision (ONP) technical requirements;
2048lkbps digital unstructured leased lines (D2048U) attachment requirements for terminal equipment
(ETSI) “Business Telecommunications (BTC); 2048kbps digital structured leased lines (D2048S);
Attachment requirements for terminal equipment interface”
(ITU) “Synchronous Frame Structures used at 1544, 6312, 2048, 8488, and 44,736kbps Hierarchical
(ITU) “Frame Alignment and Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Procedures Relating to Basic Frame
Structures Defined in Recommendation G.704”