Yaskawa JAPMC-MC2300 User Manual
Page 98

5.4 MP2000 Series Machine Controller Parameter Details
5.4.2 Motion Setting Parameter Details
Bit 4
Latch Detection Demand
0: OFF (default)
1: ON
When this bit is set to 1 (Latch Request ON), the position at the moment the latch signal turns ON will be
reported to the monitoring parameter IL
18 "Machine Coordinate System Latch Position."
When the position is detected and reported, bit 2 "Latch Completed" of the monitoring parameter IW
"Position Management Status" will turn ON.
To detect the position again, reset this bit to 0 (OFF) and then set to 1 (ON) again.
Use bits 0 to 3 (Latch Detection Signal Selection) of the setting parameter OW
04 (Function Setting 2) to
set the latch signal to be used.
Do not set this bit to 1 (ON) while the motion commands “Zero Point Return,” “External Posi-
tioning,” or “Latch” are being executed. Otherwise, a warning may occur in the SERVOPACK.
Refer to 11.4.1 Modal Latch Function on page 11-15 for details of the latch function.
Bit 5
Absolute Position Reading Demand
0: OFF (default)
1: ON
Setting this bit to 1 (ON) allows the ladder program to start reading absolute data (at the rising edge). Reading
will be executed twice maximum, including one retry.
Refer to
11.4.3 Reading Absolute Data Online
on page 11-16 for details.
Bit 6
POSMAX Turn Number Presetting Demand
0: OFF (default)
1: ON
Preset the Number of POSMAX Turns (monitoring parameter IL
1E) to the value set for the Number of
POSMAX Turns Presetting Data (setting parameter OL
Set to 0 for linear type.
Bit 7
Request ABS Rotary Pos. Load
When an infinite length axis is used with an absolute encoder, this bit can be set to 1 to reset the position infor-
mation with the data (encoder position and pulse position) that was set when the power was last turned OFF.
When processing has been completed for this bit, the ABS Rotary Pos. LOAD Complete bit will be turned ON
in the Position Management Status (monitoring parameter IW
0C, bit 8).
0: OFF (default)
1: ON
Refer to 10.4.6 ( 4 ) [ b ] Turning the System Back ON (Turning the Servo Back ON) on page
10-26 for details.
Set to 0 for linear type.
Bit B
Integration Reset
0: OFF (default)
1: ON
Setting this bit to 1 (ON) will reset the position loop integral items for the SERVOPACK.
Bit F
Alarm Clear
0: OFF (default)
1: ON
At the rising edge of this bit, an alarm is cleared. Additionally, turns ON the /ALMRST signal connected to the
SERVOPACK to clear the SERVOPACK alarm.
The following alarm and warning cannot be cleared by Alarm Clear. Remove the cause of the
02, bit 2: Fixed Parameter Error
04, bit 15: ABS Total Rev. Receive Error
Do not execute Alarm Clear during axis movement using motion commands. Using Alarm
Clear may affect axis movement.
RUN Command Setting (cont’d)
Setting Range
Setting Unit
Default Value
Speed Torque