Technical information 19.3 – HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 (34059x-02) User Manual
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Technical Information 19.3
TNC 640 | User's Manual
HEIDENHAIN Conversational Programming | 5/2013
Remote Desktop Manager software option
(option number 133)
Windows on a separate computer unit
Remote operation of
external computer units
(e.g. Windows PC) via the
TNC user interface
Incorporated in the TNC interface
Cross Talk Compensation (CTC) software option
(option number 141)
Compensation of axis
Determination of dynamically caused position deviation through axis
Compensation of the TCP
Position Adaptive Control (PAC) software option
(option number 142)
Changing control
Changing of the control parameters depending on the position of the
axes in the working space
Changing of the control parameters depending on the speed or
acceleration of an axis
Load Adaptive Control (LAC) software option
(option number 143)
Automatic determination of workpiece weight and frictional forces
Dynamic changing of control
Continuous adaptation of the parameters of the adaptive precontrolling
to the actual weight of the workpiece during machining
Active Chatter Control (ACC) software option (option number 145)
Fully automatic function for chatter control during machining