Permitted tool shapes, Using other tools: delta values, D compensation without tcpm – HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 (34059x-02) User Manual

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Three-dimensional tool compensation (software option 2) 12.6


TNC 640 | User's Manual
HEIDENHAIN Conversational Programming | 5/2013


Permitted tool shapes

You can describe the permissible tool shapes in the tool table via
tool radii

R and R2 (see figure):

Tool radius

R: Distance from the tool center to the tool


Tool radius 2

R2: Radius of the curvature between tool tip and

tool circumference

The ratio of

R to R2 determines the shape of the tool:

R2 = 0: End mill
R2 = R : Radius cutter
0 <

R2 < R: Toroid cutter

These data also provide the coordinates of the tool datum PT.

Using other tools: Delta values

If you want to use tools that have different dimensions than the
ones you originally programmed, you can enter the difference
between the tool lengths and radii as delta values in the tool table


Positive delta value

DL, DR, DR2: The tool is larger than the

original tool (oversize)

Negative delta value

DL, DR, DR2: The tool is smaller than the

original tool (undersize)

The TNC then compensates the tool position by the sum of the
delta values from the tool table and the tool call.

3-D compensation without TCPM

The TNC carries out a 3-D compensation for three-dimensional
machining operations if the NC program contains surface-normal
vectors. In this case, the

RL/RR radius compensation and TCPM or

M128 must be inactive. The TNC displaces the tool in the direction
of the surface-normal vectors by the sum of the delta values (tool
table and


Example: Block format with surface-normal vectors

1 LN X+31.737 Y+21.954 Z+33.165NX+0.2637581 NY+0.0078922

NZ-0.8764339 F1000 M3


Straight line with 3-D compensation

X, Y, Z:

Compensated coordinates of the straight-line
end point


Components of the surface-normal vector


Feed rate


Miscellaneous function