Graphic depiction of the protected space – HEIDENHAIN TNC 640 (34059x-02) User Manual

Page 376

background image

Programming: Special functions


Dynamic Collision Monitoring (software option)



TNC 640 | User's Manual

HEIDENHAIN Conversational Programming | 5/2013

Graphic depiction of the protected space

You can use the split-screen layout key to have the machine-
based collision objects and measured fixtures be shown in three
dimensions See "Program Run, Full Sequence and Program Run,
Single Block", page 74.

You can switch between the various views via soft key:


Soft key

Switch between wire-frame and solid-object

Switch between solid and transparent view

Display/hide the coordinate systems that
result from transformations in the kinematics

Functions for rotating in the X and Z axes, and

You can also use the mouse for the graphics. The following
functions are available:

In order to rotate the wire model shown in three dimensions
you hold the right mouse button down and move the mouse.
After you release the right mouse button, the TNC orients the
workpiece to the defined orientation

In order to shift the model shown: Hold the center mouse
button or the wheel button down and move the mouse. The
TNC shifts the model in the corresponding direction. After you
release the center mouse button, the TNC shifts the model to
the defined position

In order to zoom in on a certain area with the mouse: Draw
a rectangular zoom area while holding the left mouse button
down. You can shift the zoom area by moving the mouse
horizontally and vertically as required. After you release the left
mouse button, the TNC zooms in on the defined area of the

In order to quickly zoom in and out with the mouse: Rotate the
wheel button forward or backward

Double-click with the right mouse button: Select standard view