NewTek TriCaster 8000 User Manual
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provided for quick selection, shown
in Figure 156 (4-input models do not
require this control).
To replace an entry in the palette,
click its label, or move the mouse
pointer over an icon and click the “+”
sign that pops up – see Figure 156.
This opens the Custom Media
Browser to let you choose from the hundreds of
transition effects included with TriCaster, or even custom Animation Store effects
that you prepare using the included Animation Store Creator application.
The selected effect will replace the current one in the palette.
Hint: The frequently-used Fade transition is always available in transiiton palette. As it
cannot be replaced, no Configure button appears for its icon.
Transition durations are controlled independently on a ‘per slot’ basis, using a
numeric setting above the effect icon. You can drag the mouse pointer left or right
over the numeric display to set a custom time, or alternatively, click the numeric
field directly to enable keyboard entry.
Another approach to setting duration allows you to quickly
select a duration setting from the drop-down menu provided.
The menu provides convenient two, one and ½ second presets.
Hint: The direction of Transitions applied as DSK (and M/E Key) effects automatically
alternates. If the first click displays the layer using an effect, the next click removes it
using the reverse effect. This
‘Ping Pong’ behavior is optional for BKGD (Background)
layer transitions.
TriCaster can also employ special transition effects called Animation Stores. These
powerful effects normally include an embedded full color animated overlay, along
with individual sounds for transitioning in and out (transition sounds are optional;
also note that audio level control for Effects is provided in the Audio (mixer) tab).