Ection, Ptions – NewTek TriCaster 8000 User Manual
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Of these items, some are so important that they rate their own chapters. Others are
detailed in various sections of this guide (cross references to the relevant sections of
the manual are provided above). In this chapter, we’ll focus on those Dashboard
features which are not discussed in depth elsewhere.
This menu drops down to reveal the following items:
Publish Queue … (see Section 19.3)
Publish Destinations (see 19.3.2)
Eject – opens a sub-menu that lets you safely disconnect selected storage
Share Media Folders and Buffers (see Section 11.4)
Exit – close your live production session, and return to the Session page of
your TriCaster’s Startup screen (all session settings are stored on exiting)
A number of very useful interface and workflow options are presented in the
TriCaster Options menu.
Enable Follow Preview Row for All Inputs to display the tabbed pane for a
Preview row source automatically on selection changes (for M/E selections,
the M/E pane must be maximized in order to see the M/E tab update).
When Tabs Follow Preview for M/Es is checked, only the M/E pane updates
(when you select an M/E as source on Preview).
Hint: Control surface delegate operations can sometimes result in a tabbed
module that you want to view being obscured when certain options are enabled.
When this happens, press the corresponding control surface Delegate button
again to re-display the tabbed pane you are interest in.