Start character, Device address, Command/response – Comtech EF Data CIM-300L User Manual
Page 93: 1 start character, 2 device address 5.3.3 command/response
CiM-300L IP Enabled Satellite Modem
Rev. 1
Serial Remote Control
5.3.1 S
A single character precedes all messages transmitted on the remote link. This character
flags the start of a message. This character is:
“<” for commands
“>” for responses
5.3.2 D
The device address is the address of the one satellite modem which is designated to
receive a transmitted command, or which is responding to a command.
Valid device addresses are 1 to 3 characters long, and in the range of 1 to 255.
Note: Address 0 is reserved as a global address which simultaneously addresses all devices on
a given communications link. Devices do not acknowledge global commands.
Each satellite modem which is connected to a common remote communications link must
be assigned its own unique address. Addresses are software selectable at the modem, and
must be in the range of 1 to 255.
5.3.3 C
The command/response portion of the message contains a variable-length character
sequence which conveys command and response data.
If a satellite modem receives a message addressed to it which does not match the
established protocol or cannot be implemented, a negative acknowledgment message is
sent in response. This message is:
>add/?ER1_parity error'cr''lf']
(Error message for received parity errors.)
>add/?ER2_invalid parameter'cr''lf']
(Error message for a recognized command which cannot be implemented or has
parameters which are out of range.)
>add/?ER3_unrecognizable command'cr''lf']
(Error message for unrecognizable command or bad command syntax.)