Supported interactivity features – Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual

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Supported interactivity features

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Multi-State Objects





Additional interactive overlays


Certain hyperlinks

Certain button actions

InDesign includes many interactivity features for exporting to SWF and PDF. Some—but not all—of these features are supported in the digital
publishing workflow.

Supported interactivity features

Use MSOs to create slideshows.

Create URL, Email, and Navto hyperlinks.

Only the On Release event is supported. You can use multiple button actions. Button actions are played in sequence, not


Supported hyperlink actions include Go To First Page, Go To Last Page, Go To URL, Sound, Video, and Go To Page. Supported slideshow
actions include Go To State, Go To Previous State, and Go To Next State.

Placed mp3 files play. You cannot loop or stream audio at this time.

Supported video files (mp4 with h.264 encoding) play. You cannot loop video at this time. To stream video, use a web content overlay or

HTML article.

You can also create web content overlays, image sequences, pan and zoom images, panoramas, and scrollable


Interactivity features not supported

Animated objects are flattened when the article is created. One workaround is to export an animated InDesign document in FLA

format and use the CreateJS plugin in Flash Professional to export an HTML5 file. You can then use this HTML5 file as a Web Content overlay.
Many publishers use Adobe Edge to create animation.

Text Anchor and Shared Destination hyperlinks are not supported.

Go To Destination, Go To Next Page, Go To Previous Page, and Show/Hide Buttons actions are not supported. On Click

and On Rollover events are not supported.

Bookmarks, cross-references, and page transitions are not supported.

Other features not supported