V30 best practices and gotchas – Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual

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v30 Bug Fix Release Notes (March 2014)

Authoring fixes

Folios in which overlays have line break characters in their name cause incomplete overlays and Android download failures. This issue was
resolved. (3653600)

iOS viewer fixes

Non-Newsstand viewer and Adobe Content Viewer no longer lose downloaded folios after restart if the Folio Publication Name field contains
forward slashes "/". (3706229)

Swiping on a Web Content overlay no longer activates it on iOS7. (3719813)

The viewer crashed if the user downloaded one section of a sectioned folio, the folio is unpublished, and the user views and interacts with
that folio. This issue was resolved. (3712674)

Image sequence resetting on rotation and inertia is now available when swiping. (3711983)

On iOS 7, slideshow buttons no longer disappear when the device is rotated if the slideshow is nested in a scrollable frame. (3710367)

Tapping on valid navto links no longer fails and has no effect in some instances. (3704444)

Reading position for single-orientation folio is no longer lost when device is relaunched in opposite orientation (3701061)

Localstorage values are now retrieved properly after device sleeps or when the Home button is pressed. (3696400)

When you zoom in on a PDF page and swipe an image sequence, the image sequence now behaves properly. (3689978)

Auto Play slideshow that has been reset by a double tap no longer starts to play again when you leave the page. (3685543)

Newsstand folio cover now updates from a background push properly even if the user is not entitled to the folio. (3684294)

Image sequence overlays nested in a scrollable frame no longer fail to auto play in some cases. (3684291)

New folio alert does not appear in folio view if the viewer is not configured for direct entitlement. This issue was resolved. (3684290)

Viewer no longer crashes if user taps on several folios to purchase in a custom library then selects to go back to default library. (3678047)

Swiping very quickly on a slideshow sometimes moves to the next article instead of changing slides. This issue was fixed. (3673086)

On the iPhone 5 The "Forgot password?" text is outside the Sign-in box if the app is configured with a forgot password URL but not a create
account URL. This issue is resolved in v30 apps. (3671662)

If you swipe quickly on a protected article next to a free article, it is possible to see protected articles without a purchase pane or mesh
treatment. This issue was resolved. (3660132)

Custom HTML slots and Web View now extends behind viewer's UI properly. (3658854)

A previewed folio can now be downloaded even if a space is found in the name of a TOC asset. (3658214)

When zoomed in on a slideshow or image sequence with swipe enabled, you can now swipe vertically to scroll the page. (3656725)

Swiping on a horizontal scrollable frame where the image was cropped in InDesign no longer moves the page and shows jittery behavior.

Double-tapping an MSO now zooms in and out properly when the page is zoomed in in a PDF article. (3652078)

Usage tracking opt-out window is no longer disabled in offline mode. (3650422)

The title in the library no longer displays "Library Alert" if a folio is updated multiple times. (3649220)

After swiping on a vertical scrollable frame to go to the next page, the next page no longer displays briefly and then jumps back to the
original page. (3647503)

Performance of the in-app browser is more reliable when viewing web content. (3610048)

iTunes Subscriber receipt can now be validated if the device is restarted, is not unlocked, and the app is awoken via a Newsstand push.

Windows Store viewer fixes

Fixed a problem with Window Store viewer crashing on opening the library containing the folio with either publication date or cover date not
specified. (3714037)

In some instances, folio with video overlay wasn’t archived correctly. As a result, users weren’t able to re-download the folio properly.

Web-based DPS App Builder fixes

Fixed an issue to improve how analytics are configured for Professional customers when building native Android apps.

v30 Best Practices and Gotchas