Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual

Page 24

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such as 10” HD Android tablets.

Splash screens you specify on Android devices are now scaled up or down proportionally to fill the target screen. For example, you can
specify 2560x1600 and 1600x2560 splash screens, which are scaled down (and cropped if the aspect ratio is different) for smaller devices.

Icons and UI elements are now larger on XLarge Android devices such as 10” HD tablets, making it easier to tap buttons and navigate in
viewers on HD devices.

Custom navigation icons (Enterprise only) can now be 75x43, 98x52, or 214x114 pixels.

The native (non-AIR) Android viewer is still being developed.

Copy Folio

A Copy command is now available in the Folio Producer Organizer. You can copy (duplicate) your own folio or you can copy a folio shared with
you from a different account. Copying either a published or unpublished folio creates a new folio on the Folio Producer server (, not
the Distribution Service. You can then edit and publish the copied folio. If the folio was shared with you from a different computer, you need to
obtain the source files and relink the articles in order to edit and update articles. Locked folios cannot be copied.

New "auto-open" option in DPS App Builder

"Auto-open latest entitled folio after download" is a new option in DPS App Builder. If "Auto-download latest entitled folio on first launch" is
selected, the "Auto-open" option is selected by default so that first-time readers can download the app and start reading right away. If you turn off
the "Auto-open" option, users see the folio being downloaded in the library, but the folio doesn't open until they tap the cover image. This allows
publishers to provide a message in the banner that lets first-time users know that they're receiving a free folio.

Article Preview enhancements

Article Preview now supports Metered articles in addition to Free articles within preview folios. When a reader navigates to a metered article within
a preview folio, a "Read Article" button will be displayed on the purchase pane, allowing the reader to tap and download the metered article to their
device as part of their preview experience. The number of metered articles the reader can view is controlled by the device paywall threshold set by
the publisher.

In addition, there are several UI improvements to free article preview. For example, the preview images of protected articles now appear behind a
dark mesh pattern. Browse thumbnails now have a gradient treatment applied, and browse thumbnails are displayed for all pages of “flattened”
articles (Horizontal Swiping Only) in both browse mode and as preview Images behind the mesh treatment in folio view.

Analytics improvements (Professional/Enterprise with SiteCatalyst account)

SiteCatalyst reports now include information on purchases by reader subscription type (new or renewal), term length of subscription (1 month, 6
months, and so on), and purchases by app marketplace. SiteCatalyst also reports the number of readers that opt in to receive push notifications. In
addition, tracking of slideshow and scrollable frame overlays is more detailed.

Additional changes

Other v27 improvements include:

Privacy Policy is now enabled for the iPhone as well as the iPad. You can specify a Privacy Policy URL in DPS App Builder.

The sidecar.xml now supports Article Access settings, which means you can import the sidecar.xml file to apply Free/Metered/Protected
settings to each article in the folio.

Links in the Library/Store v2 API can now display a separated web view window (also called an “in-app browser”) within the app that has a
Close button. The HTML in this web view window can still reference the APIs.

Release 26

Free Article Preview (iPad only)

You can allow customers to preview content in a retail folio. Users can tap the Preview button to download and read all free articles. When a user
navigates to other articles in the app, a paywall prompts them to purchase the folio. To enable Free Article Preview in a retail folio, select the
"Enable Article Preview" setting in the Account Administration Tool, and use the Folio Producer Editor to mark specific articles as Free. (Free
Article Preview is iPad-only and currently does not work with folios that have Sections.)

Note: To apply the "Free" setting to articles in legacy folios, you need to update the folio viewer version to v26 or later AND update the articles
within that folio.

PDF article support in both Android Viewer and Desktop Viewer

PDF articles are now supported on Android devices and in the Desktop Viewer. On Android viewers, you can take advantage of the PDF format to
reduce file size, reuse iOS folios that have PDF articles, and use pinch & zoom on article pages. In the Desktop Viewer, you can now preview
folios that have PDF articles, which is especially useful to preflight your folio for errors.

The app version needs to be v26 or later to display PDF articles, but the folio with PDF articles can be any version.

(Note that this is a change to the existing AIR-based Android viewer, not to the native Android viewer that is currently in development. In addition,
PDF support on Android does not include displaying PDF files in the in-app browser.)

iPad library improvements