Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual
Page 19
Analytics improvements
AEM/DPS workflow
Adobe Content Viewer for Web SDK API enhancements
Browser support notice for Web Viewer
Additional analytics tracking for web viewer
Folio format specification now available
Advance notice: DPS to drop support of InDesign CS5.5 and CS5 in v32
In SiteCatalyst analytics, there is now complete tracking of background downloads starting from when push is received
to when the folio is downloaded.
Media Publisher is a module for the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) that allows the system to publish DPS content. Once
AEM and the module are configured and using the appropriate templates, you can create HTML articles and publish DPS folios. Articles can be
uploaded directly to the Adobe Folio Producer service and can continually check to make sure articles are in sync with the latest changes. For
more information about the AEM workflow, see the articles in
Web viewer
Note the following changes to Adobe Content Viewer for the Web (web viewer).
The embedded web viewer now provides new Javascript APIs which allow Enterprise
publishers to implement their own “Next Article” and "Previous Article” buttons on their hosting web page. Users can then click these buttons in the
iframe to jump to the next article or to the next page of a flattened article. These buttons can be skinned to match the branding and style of the
hosting page. For more information, see
Adobe now detects the browser used to access the web viewer and provides helpful information
related to browsers that provide the best experience. For web viewer content hosted at, when the web viewer
detects a browser that is either not supported or is an “old” version of a supported browser, the web viewer will display a “Best Viewed with…”
dialog box that recommends the most recent version of any of the supported browsers, but allows the user to view the folio content. For browsers
that are so old they cannot even display this message, the web viewer will display an error message that instructs the user to upgrade to the most
recent version of any of the supported browsers and then blocks access to the content (because the user experience is frequently poor).
When the web viewer is hosted on a web site using the Adobe Content Viewer for Web SDK, publishers can opt-in through the SDK to display this
support notice or simply receive an API callback allowing publishers to display their own message or otherwise redirect the user to alternate
content. For more information, see
Changes to analytics tracking:
Source of traffic to the web viewer is tracked.
Purchase type associated with entitled content is tracked. When readers sign in to access web viewer content via direct entitlement, the web
viewer should pass information that the content is purchased.
TOC clicks are tracked.
Clicks of the Paywall button are now tracked in the web viewer analytics reports.
For details, see
The folio format spec is now available. Commercial publishers can extend their content through a
variety of marketplaces that accept the .folio file format specification. Publishing to .folio as a universally accepted digital publishing file format will
allow magazine publishers to more efficiently produce digital content for mobile devices by eliminating the need to create and publish interactive,
digital content in multiple, individual proprietary file formats supported by each unique marketplace. Newsstands and marketplaces that accept the
license for the .folio file format specification will be able to create their own native viewers capable of displaying digital magazines available in the
.folio file format.
With the v32 release (tentatively scheduled for September 2014),
InDesign CS5.5 and InDesign CS5 will still be able to create source documents for DPS, but uploading articles to the Folio Producer Service will
require InDesign CS6 or later.