Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual
Page 55

the page size as needed.
If you're enabling social sharing to display content in the Web Viewer, you can create a special rendition that appears on in the Web Viewer
browser. See Creating a Web Viewer only rendition.
We recommend that you use different Application IDs for iOS and Android platforms so that you can use different content for iOS and
Android devices, if necessary.
Features not supported on other platforms
Some of the features that work on the iPad are not supported in the Android Viewer and other devices. For example, panoramas and inline (non
full-screen) videos are not supported on the Android platform. For HTML content, check to make sure that it works properly in the platform’s
browser and in the DPS folio. See Differences between iOS and Android viewers and DPS supported feature list.
For information about making DPS apps for Android devices, see Building native DPS apps for Android.
For information about making DPS apps for Windows Store, see Building DPS apps for Windows Store.