Overview of the dps workflow – Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual
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Overview of the DPS workflow
Adobe InDesign is the central component of the workflow. Using InDesign, design teams create layouts and add interactivity. With layouts in hand,
production teams assemble the layouts, add metadata, and publish them into a “folio” format.
Anyone who uses InDesign CS5 or later can author, preview, and share digital publishing folios. However, to create custom apps for commercial
use, you need to do one of the following:
with a Professional or Enterprise account. A DPS subscription lets you create unlimited apps for
Apple App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon Appstore, and Windows Store. If you have a Professional or Enterprise account, please read
membership. With a Creative Cloud membership, you can create unlimited single-folio apps (iPad only).
Obtain a
Getting your InDesign layout onto your iPad
Step 1: Install DPS tools
If you’re new to the Digital Publishing Suite, install the newest version of DPS tools. For InDesign CS6/CC, choose Help > Updates, and install the
DPS Desktop Tools. For InDesign CS5/CS5.5, install both the Folio Producer tools and the Folio Builder panel. The Folio Producer tools installer
installs or updates the Folio Overlays panel, a required plug-in, and the Desktop Viewer. The Folio Builder panel installer installs only the Folio
Builder panel. See Installing digital publishing tools.
If you have an iPad or an Android device, install the most current version of the Adobe Content Viewer from the store (Apple App Store, Google
Play Store, or Amazon Appstore).
Step 2: Create source documents in InDesign
Create InDesign documents as the base layout for the digital content. With InDesign CS5/CS5.5, you can create both a portrait (vertical) and
landscape (horizontal) layout in separate documents for each article. With InDesign CS6, you can create horizontal and vertical layouts within the
same document. You can also limit your design to a single orientation. See Designing digital publications.
In addition to using InDesign files as source content, you can also create articles based on HTML. See Import HTML articles.
Step 3: Add interactive objects
Use the Folio Overlays panel to create and edit interactive objects. Not all InDesign interactivity features are supported. See Overview of