Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual
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users view any article that is protected, they see a paywall that prompts them to purchase the folio or subscribe. This option is available only for
the iPad.
Use the Account Administration tool to enable article preview. Use the Folio Producer Editor to change Article Access settings: Free, Metered, or
Protected. Make sure that the Viewer Version of the folio is v27 or later. If you're updating the viewer version of an older folio, update all the
articles within the folio after you change the viewer version.
For details about free article preview and other advanced techniques, see
A paywall appears when users view a protected article.
Free trial subscription (iOS)
Apple iTunes Connect includes settings for enabling a free trial subscription for your Newsstand subscription app. When specifying the duration,
you can select a free trial option and a marketing opt-in incentive option.
For more detailed information, see this article about