Downloading and testing the viewer apps, Submitting and managing the viewer app – Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual

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Developer P12 Certificate

Developer P12 Password

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Submitting the development app

Updating an app

Deleting a build

If you signed in using an Adobe ID provisioned for Omniture tracking, settings for tracking user data appear on the Build Details page. This data is
populated automatically. If you have an enterprise account and these options do not appear, contact your Adobe representative.

After you specify information or files for all mandatory fields, click Submit Build, and then click Finish.

The amount of time it takes to create the development and distribution apps depends on how busy the server is.

Downloading and testing the viewer apps

Certificates are required for two different Viewer apps—a development app and a distribution app. The development app is for testing; the
distribution app is what you submit to Apple once you test and approve the development app.

1. Select your viewer app in the Manage page where your custom viewer builds appear.

2. Click Developer Viewer (.ipa) to download the developer app.

3. Specify your developer p12 certificate and password, and then click Download And Sign.

The .p12 file saves your certificate private key information. Creating the .p12 certificate requires you to use the

Apple Developer site to create and download a certificate and then use the Keychain Access utility to export the private key of that certificate
as a .p12 certificate.

When you create the .p12 certificate, you are prompted to create a password. Blank passwords do not work. If

you used a blank password, create the .p12 certificate again with a real password.

4. Add the development app (.ipa) to your iTunes library, and follow the instructions in the “iPad Publishing Companion Guide.pdf” to test your


5. If the developer app works as designed, return to the Manage page in DPS App Builder and click Distribution Viewer (.zip). Specify the

distribution certificate information, and click Download And Sign.

Submitting and managing the viewer app

After you download and test your custom viewer, submit the distribution viewer (.zip) to Apple.

If your developer app works as designed, submit the distribution app (.zip) to the Apple Store. For details, see

the iPad Publishing Companion Guide PDF.

If you need to create different icons or make other changes, select the viewer app on the main page, and click Edit. Your

information and selections remain intact. Make the necessary changes, and then submit the build again. Your app will be updated.

To submit a new version of your app to Apple, you can either edit an existing app or create a new one. If you create a new version of your app,
use mobileprovision files based on the same App ID as the previously built app. The versioning information is updated automatically.

To change the viewer type, such as converting a Multi Folio app to a Multi-Folio with iTunes Subscription app, you cannot edit the existing app.
Instead, create a new app using the same mobileprovision files.

If you no longer need the developer and distribution apps, select the viewer app on the main page, and click Delete. You can

create a new build at any time—just use the mobileprovision files based on the same App ID used for the app.