Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual

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Audio Controller Files

Show First Image Initially (InDesign CS5.5 or later only)

Auto Play

Play In Background Across Folio

Tap To View Controller (iOS only)

Streaming audio supports http URLs, not https.

If you both place an audio file and specify a streaming URL, the first action takes precedence. For example, if you specify a URL first and
then place an audio clip, the overlay uses the URL, not the embedded audio.

Click the folder icon, and specify the folder containing the play and pause buttons for audio files.

To display a controller skin with Play and Pause buttons while the audio clip is playing, create a set of .png files in a folder. These images
each must have either a _pause or _play suffix. You can create a single pair of _play and _pause buttons, or you can create multiple _play
and _pause buttons that represent progressive states of a status bar.











In this example, when your audio is played half way, the AudioAsset003_play.png button is displayed. When tapped to pause, the
AudioAsset003_pause button is displayed.

If this option is selected, the audio frame displays the first _play.png file in the

specified audio controller assets folder, and the frame resizes appropriately.

In InDesign CS5, specify the poster image, and then manually resize the frame and the poster image.

Select this option to play the audio file when the page is loaded on the mobile device. You can also specify the number of

seconds to delay. Auto Play is not supported for Android viewers.

Select this option to play the audio file in the background while users browse through articles. Users can

pause or resume the audio clip by tapping the audio icon in the top navigation bar. This feature is available only on the iPad or iPhone.

If this option is selected, tapping the inline video while it’s playing displays a controller bar with pause

and play controls. If this option is not selected, tapping the video pauses and restarts.