Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual

Page 21

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Welcome screen for iOS apps (Enterprise only)

The welcome screen is a transparent Web View that displays HTML content between the splash screen and the Library/Store. The HTML content
you provide in DPS App Builder appears the first time customers launch the app after installing it or the first time they launch the app after it's
updated. For example, you can use the welcome screen to encourage readers to create an account, accept terms-of-use, explore a preview issue,
or orient them to the app. The welcome screen has full access to the Library/Store JavaScript API, and you have full control over the experience.

Use the "Optional Welcome Screen" option in DPS App Builder to specify the .zip file containing your HTML files. If your app supports both iPad
and iPhone, your HTML files should display content that works on both device sizes. For instructions and sample HTML files, see

Getting started

with a welcome screen

in DPS Developer Center.

Social Sharing & Web Viewer improvements

Note the following changes to the DPS social sharing feature.

There is new behavior for protected articles. When a reader shares a protected article in a v29 app, the article URL is shared, not the
Publication URL. If unentitled recipients tap or click the shared URL link, they see the Paywall page. This change affects both the desktop
web viewer and the article viewer on the iPad. The Publication URL option in DPS App Builder has been removed from the Social Settings
page for v29 apps. The Publication URL is still used in v28 and earlier apps.

The web viewer now supports audio files with AAC/MP4 encoding.

The Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo social sharing options are now available in China. If publishers enable social sharing, their readers who
have set a Chinese Keyboard for their iPad or Phone on iOS 7 will see options for Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo will in the sharing activity
sheet menu. Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo are supported only in devices running iOS 7, not iOS 6.

The Right Edge Binding feature is now supported in web viewer. If this option is selected, the first article is right-most in web viewer as well
as on devices.

In an embedded web viewer, publishers can now allow external links to be displayed in a new browser tab or window. See the Adobe
Content Viewer for Web SDK.

In an embedded web viewer, publishers can track when users navigate between pages. See the Adobe Content Viewer for Web SDK.

DPS App Builder enhancements

Note these changes in DPS App Builder.

The Social Sharing page was changed to reflect different behavior in iOS 6 and iOS 7. The Publication URL option was also removed for v29

(Enterprise) Push notifications are now supported in enterprise-signed apps. The mobileprovision file must have a non-wildcard Bundle ID.

(Enterprise) The Label value in custom icons was removed. If you want to use different names for Viewer or Library, edit the customized
strings XML file.

(Enterprise) The localized strings for custom icons no longer includes redundant sections.

(Enterprise) "Optional iPhone Welcome Screen" is now called "Optional Welcome Screen." This option now supports iPad as well as iPhone.

Customer marketing improvements (Enterprise, iOS)

DPS now supports several API features designed to improve customer marketing. These features are available in both the Library/Store API and
the Reading API, so they can be implemented in articles, stores, and other navigation webviews.

Publishers can use vendorIdentifier to track advertising campaigns. The vendor ID identifies the publisher. (Note that the advertisingIdentifier
option that identifies each device was previously enabled and is no longer available at this time due to new Apple restrictions.)

Publishers can use canOpenURL to detect whether specific apps are installed using known URL schemes, allowing publishers to cross-
promote apps more directly.

Publishers can use openExternal to launch an external URL from within a custom navigation webview.

Publishers can specify a URL scheme with parameters to pass campaign and promotional codes from email, text, or websites and launch the
app directly into a navigation webview.

By combining these APIs, publishers can market their apps in a number of different ways. For example, publishers can collect data to determine
which users have installed their apps but haven't subscribed. Publishers can then launch an email advertising campaign that offers a free 3-month
subscription. Or, publishers can create a web overlay that checks if a different app is installed, and display different offers depending on whether
users have downloaded that app and whether they have a subscription.

Improved behavior of apps with a large number of folios (Enterprise)

If an app includes a large number (such as 1,500) of folios, it takes a long time for the library to update. If you select a setting in DPS App Builder,
you can use your entitlement server to control which folios are included when the custom library is updated.

Base analytics enhancements

In base analytics, you can select "Special Issues" as the publication frequency. When you select Special Issues, you can also set the Audience
Accumulation start and end date. In addition, base analytics includes a number of bug fixes that improve data display.

Improved stability of Folio Producer Services

The most recent AWS migration introduced several problems with uploading and downloading content through the Folio Producer Service powered