Adobe Digital Publishing Suite User Manual

Page 161

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Adobe ID used for application

At least one free folio published as public using application Adobe ID

In-app purchases for all published retail folios. Use the same Product ID when creating the in-app purchase and publishing the folio.

Files required to secure your app

Distribution P12 certificate (and password)

Distribution mobileprovision file

Developer P12 certificate (and password)

Developer mobileprovision file

Production push P12 certificate and password (optional)

Developer push P12 certificate and password (optional)

Artwork required to brand your app

SD iPad App Icons: 29x29, 50x50, 72x72, 76x76, and 512x512 pixel icons in PNG format. You do not need to add the shine effect or
rounded corners.

SD iPhone App Icons: 29x29 and 57x57 pixel icons in PNG format. You do not need to add the shine effect or rounded corners.

HD iPad App Icons: 58x58, 100x100, 144x144, 152x152, and 1024x1024 pixel icons in PNG format. You do not need to add the shine effect
or rounded corners.

HD iPhone App Icons: 58x58, 114x114, and 120x120 pixel icons in PNG format. You do not need to add the shine effect or rounded corners.

SD Splash Screens for iPad: 1024x768 and 768x1024 pixel images in PNG format.

HD Splash Screens for iPad: 2048x1536 and 1536x2048 pixel images in PNG format. Use 8-bit PNG format to reduce file size.

Splash Screens for iPhone: 320x480, 640x960, and 640x1136 pixel images in PNG format.

Checklist for subscription viewer (iPad and iPhone)

Certain files and information are required to create a multi-folio subscription viewer for the iPad.

If you're creating a viewer with custom entitlement, or if you want to create a custom store or a custom library, refer to the appropriate articles in

DPS Developer Center

for additional requirements.


Adobe ID used for application

At least one free folio published as public

In-app purchases for all published retail folios. Use the same Product ID when creating the in-app purchase and publishing the folio.

In-app purchases for all subscription durations. If you’re creating a free subscription app, you need to create an in-app purchase for the free

Shared secret associated with application Adobe ID (see Account Administration tool)

Files required to secure your app

Distribution P12 certificate (and password)

Distribution mobileprovision file