Zilog Z8F0130 User Manual
Page 561

Zilog Developer Studio II – Z8 Encore!
User Manual
Call Stack window 400
Disassembly window 402
in Edit window 41
in Project Workspace window 39
Locals window 399
Simulated UART Output window 403
Watch window 398, 399
control_UARTx() function 412, 413
Converting letter case 473, 474
Converting strings 470, 472
COPY BASE OF command 350
COPY BASE operator 362
Copy button 26, 113
COPY command 349
Copy Configuration Settings dialog box 120
Copy Settings From list box 119, 121
Copy Settings To field 121
COPY TOP OF command 350
COPY TOP operator 362
Copying characters 449, 468
Copying functions 429
Copying strings 465
Copying values 450
cos function 422, 436
cosh function 422, 437
cosine, calculating 436
_ 214
CPU directive 296
CPU Family list box 50, 69
CPU list box 50, 70
CPU selection 70
__CPU_NAME__ 212
CpuflashDevice.xml file 126
CRC 134
CRC, script file command 498
Create New Target Wizard dialog box 112
Creating a project 10
Customer service 6
Customer Support 557
Customer support 6
Customize dialog box 134, 135
Cut button 26
Cyclic redundancy check 134
Data directives in assembly 297
Data type sizes 211
__DATE__ 212
DB directive 299
DBL_MAX_10_EXP 419
DBL_MIN_10_EXP 419
DD directive 300
Deallocating space 439
_DEBUG 214
DEBUG command 351
Debug configuration 118
Debug information, generating 351, 354
Debug menu 121
Break 124
Connect to Target 121
Download Code 122
Go 123
Reset 123
Run to Cursor 124
Set Next Instruction 124
shortcuts 148
Step Into 124
Step Out 124
Step Over 124
Stop Debugging 123
Verify Download 123
Debug mode
- Z8F0131 Z8F0230 Z8F0231 Z8F0430 Z8F0431 Z8F043A Z8F0830 Z8F0831 Z8F083A Z8F1232 Z8F1233 Z8F0113 Z8F011A Z8F0123 Z8F012A Z8F0213 Z8F021A Z8F0223 Z8F022A Z8F0411 Z8F0412 Z8F0413 Z8F041A Z8F0421 Z8F0422 Z8F0423 Z8F042A Z8F0811 Z8F0812 Z8F0813 Z8F081A Z8F0821 Z8F0822 Z8F0823 Z8F082A Z8F0880 Z8F1621 Z8F1622 Z8F1680 Z8F1681 Z8F1682 Z8F2421 Z8F2422 Z8F2480 Z8F3221 Z8F3222 Z8F3281 Z8F3282 Z8F4821 Z8F4822 Z8F4823 Z8F6081 Z8F6082 Z8F6421 Z8F6422 Z8F6423 Z8F6481 Z8F6482 Z8FS021A ZMOT1AHH Z8FS040B ZMOT0BHH ZMOT0BSB Z8FMC04 Z8FMC08 Z8FMC16