Zilog Z8F0130 User Manual

Page 366

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Using the Macro Assembler



Zilog Developer Studio II – Z8 Encore!
User Manual

476 Reference to external label may not always fit in the offset field of that jump instruc-

You have used a jump instruction to jump to an external label, but the type of jump
instruction you have used might not provide a large enough displacement. If you want
to keep this type of jump instruction, you must check manually to make sure that the
desired jump is within the available range. Alternatively, you can either change to a
different type of jump instruction or enable jump optimization, which will automati-
cally change the type of jump instruction when the destination is an external label.

480 Relist map file error.

A map file will not be generated.

481 Relist file not found error.

The map file cannot be found in the specified path, or, if no path is specified, the map
file cannot be located in the current directory.

482 Relist symbol not found.

Any symbol used in a conditional directive must be previously defined by an





483 Relist aborted.

A map file will not be generated.

490 Stall or hazard conflict found.

A stall or hazard conflict was encountered.

499 General purpose switch error.

There was an illegal or improperly formed command line option.

500 Instruction not supported.

The instruction is not supported on the specified CPU.

501 CPU not specified.

The CPU has not been specified.

502 Symbol not a struct/union.

The name of a structure of union is required.

503 STRUCT/ENDSTRUCT name mismatch.

The optional name on a ENDSTRUCT or ENDWITH directive does not match the
name on the opening STRUCT or WITH directive.

504 Directive not permitted in struct.

Attempt to use a directive not permitted inside a STRUCT or UNION definition.