Zilog Z8F0130 User Manual

Page 559

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Zilog Developer Studio II – Z8 Encore!
User Manual



adding 43
deleting 43
finding 44
inserting 43
jumping to 44
moving to 44
next bookmark 44
previous bookmark 44
removing 43
setting 43
using 42

Bookmarks toolbar 32
Boolean operators in assembly 289
bp, script file command 497
Break button 35
Breakpoints 405

adding 404
deleting 407
disabling 406
enabling 406
finding 406
jumping to 406
making active 406
making inactive 406
moving to 406
removing 407
viewing 405

Breakpoints dialog box 62, 405
Broadcast Address field 114
bsearch function 427, 434
BUFF_SIZE macro 413
Build button 27
Build menu 117

Build 117
Clean 117
Compile 117
Manage Configurations 119
Rebuild All 117
Set Active Configuration 118
shortcuts 148
Stop Build 117
Update All Dependencies 118

Build Output window 22, 45
Build toolbar 26, 27

Build Type list box 50
build, script file command 497
Building a project 21, 117

from the command line 479

buildzsl.bat 411, 412



calling assembly from 221
calling from assembly 223
escape sequences 205
language, described 415
preserving routines 222
return values 220, 222
run-time library 225, 415
writing programs 193

C run-time initialization file 243

customizing 243

C Runtime Library check box 101
C Startup Module area 100
Calculate Checksum dialog box 133
Call frames

dynamic 201
static 201

Call Stack window 400, 401
Call Stack Window button 38
Calling assembly from C 221
calloc function 427, 435
cancel all, script file command 497
cancel bp, script file command 497
Cascade the files 145
Case sensitivity

in assembler 285


command line options 484
comments 210
compatibility issues 525
data type sizes 211
error messages 259
running from the command line 480
run-time library 225, 415
warning messages 259
writing C programs 193