Errors floating point

Page 442

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Appendix B. C Standard Library



Zilog Developer Studio II – Z8 Encore!
User Manual

Character Case Mapping


The <


> header defines macros relating to the reporting of error conditions.


Additional macro definitions, beginning with E and an uppercase letter, can also be speci-
fied by the implementation.

Floating Point

The <


> header defines macros that expand to various limits and parameters.

int iscntrl(int c);

Tests for control character.

int isdigit(int c);

Tests for decimal digit.

int isgraph(int c);

Tests for printable character except space.

int islower(int c);

Tests for lowercase character.

int isprint(int c);

Tests for printable character.

int ispunct(int c);

Tests for punctuation character.

int isspace(int c);

Tests for white-space character.

int isupper(int c);

Tests for uppercase character.

int isxdigit(int c);

Tests for hexadecimal digit.

int tolower(int c);

Tests character and converts to lowercase if

int toupper(int c);

Tests character and converts to uppercase if


Expands to a distinct nonzero integral constant expression.


Expands to a distinct nonzero integral constant expression.


A modifiable value that has type int. Several libraries set errno to a positive
value to indicate an error. errno is initialized to zero at program startup, but it
is never set to zero by any library function. The value of errno can be set to
nonzero by a library function even if there is no error, depending on the
behavior specified for the library function in the ANSI Standard.