Zilog Z8F0130 User Manual
Page 558

Zilog Developer Studio II – Z8 Encore!
User Manual
reserved words 285
running from the command line 480
setup 71
syntax 334
warning messages 338
Assembler page 18, 71
Assembly language
adding null characters 287
argument location 221
arithmetic operators 288
automatic working register definitions 293
backslash 283
binary numbers 291
blank lines 283
Boolean operators 289
calling C functions from 223
calling from C 221
case sensitivity 285
character constants 292
character strings 287
comments 284
conditional 325
decimal numbers 291
decision structure 318
directive compatibility 337, 523
directives 285, 294
embedding in C 229
expressions 288
floating-point numbers 287
function names 221
hexadecimal numbers 291
instructions 285
labels 284, 332
line continuation 283
line definition 283
line length 283
looping structures 318
macro expansion 73
numeric representation 287
octal numbers 292
operator precedence 292
operators 293
preserving registers 222
relational operators 289
reserved words 285
return values 220, 222
source line 284
structure 283
structured 317
structured assembly directives 318
structured assembly inputs 319
structured assembly processing 323
structures 312
syntax 334
unions 312
assert macro 416
atan2 function 422, 433
atof function 427, 433
atoi function 427, 433
atol function 427, 434
Auto Indent check box 139
Automatic working register definitions 293
Automatically Reload Externally Modified Files
Backslash, used in assembly 283
BASE OF 350, 361
batch, script file command 489, 496
Baud Rate list box 115
Baud rate, choosing 115
Beginning a project 10
BFRACT directive 298
Binary numbers in assembly 291
Bit-field Packing drop-down list box 85
BLKB directive 298
BLKL directive 299
BLKW directive 299
Blue dots 30, 35, 36, 387, 404
- Z8F0131 Z8F0230 Z8F0231 Z8F0430 Z8F0431 Z8F043A Z8F0830 Z8F0831 Z8F083A Z8F1232 Z8F1233 Z8F0113 Z8F011A Z8F0123 Z8F012A Z8F0213 Z8F021A Z8F0223 Z8F022A Z8F0411 Z8F0412 Z8F0413 Z8F041A Z8F0421 Z8F0422 Z8F0423 Z8F042A Z8F0811 Z8F0812 Z8F0813 Z8F081A Z8F0821 Z8F0822 Z8F0823 Z8F082A Z8F0880 Z8F1621 Z8F1622 Z8F1680 Z8F1681 Z8F1682 Z8F2421 Z8F2422 Z8F2480 Z8F3221 Z8F3222 Z8F3281 Z8F3282 Z8F4821 Z8F4822 Z8F4823 Z8F6081 Z8F6082 Z8F6421 Z8F6422 Z8F6423 Z8F6481 Z8F6482 Z8FS021A ZMOT1AHH Z8FS040B ZMOT0BHH ZMOT0BSB Z8FMC04 Z8FMC08 Z8FMC16