Preprocessor #warning directive support, Supported new features from the 1999 standard – Zilog Z8F0130 User Manual
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Using the ANSI C-Compiler
Zilog Developer Studio II – Z8 Encore!
User Manual
#pragma PRAM
declaration has function scope and will affect the next function defini-
tion (as opposed to a function declaration, that is, a function prototype) that the compiler
encounters. For this reason, quite unexpected results can ensue if this pragma is used in a
function prototype, especially when function declarations and definitions are grouped sepa-
rately as is common practice. Therefore it is recommended that you avoid using this
in function prototypes.
Preprocessor #warning Directive Support
A preprocessor line of the form
causes the compiler to write a warning message consisting of the token-sequence. The
compiler continues the compilation process with
as opposed to
For example, the following line in the C source:
#warning This is a test message
causes the compiler to generate the following warning:
Test.c (2,9) : WARNING (38) "This is a test message"
Supported New Features from the 1999 Standard
The Z8 Encore! compiler implements the following new features introduced in the ANSI
1999 standard, also known as ISO/IEC 9899:1999:
C++ Style Comments
Comments preceded by
and terminated by the end of a line, as in C++, are supported.
Trailing Comma in Enum
A trailing comma in
declarations is allowed. This essentially allows a common syn-
tactic error that does no harm. Thus, a declaration such as
enum color {red, green, blue,} col;
is allowed (note the extra comma after
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