Strtol, Strtol tan – Zilog Z8F0130 User Manual
Page 496

Appendix B. C Standard Library
Zilog Developer Studio II – Z8 Encore!
User Manual
Converts the string pointed to by nptr to long int representation. The function recognizes
an optional leading sequence of white-space characters (as specified by the isspace func-
tion), then an optional plus or minus sign, then a sequence of digits and letters, then an
optional integer suffix.
The first inappropriate character ends the conversion. If endptr is not a null pointer, a
pointer to that character is stored in the object endptr points to; if an inappropriate charac-
ter occurs before the first digit or recognized letter, the value of nptr is stored.
If the value of base is 0, the sequence of characters from the first digit to the character
before the first inappropriate character is interpreted as an integer constant according to
the rules of this section. If a minus sign appears immediately before the first digit, the
value resulting from the conversion is negated.
If the value of base is between 2 and 36, it is used as the base for conversion. Letters from
a (or A) through z (or Z) are ascribed the values 10 to 35; a letter whose value is greater
than or equal to the value of base ends the conversion. Leading zeros after the optional
sign are ignored, and leading 0x or 0X is ignored if the value of base is 16. If a minus sign
appears immediately before the first digit or letter, the value resulting from the conversion
is negated.
long strtol(char *nptr, char **endptr, int base);
The converted value, or zero if an inappropriate character occurs before the first digit or
recognized letter. If the correct value would cause overflow, LONG_MAX or
LONG_MIN is returned (according to the sign of the value), and the macro
acquires the value ERANGE.
char *ptr;
char s[]="12345";
long res;
The tangent of x (measured in radians). A large magnitude argument can yield a result
with little or no significance.
- Z8F0131 Z8F0230 Z8F0231 Z8F0430 Z8F0431 Z8F043A Z8F0830 Z8F0831 Z8F083A Z8F1232 Z8F1233 Z8F0113 Z8F011A Z8F0123 Z8F012A Z8F0213 Z8F021A Z8F0223 Z8F022A Z8F0411 Z8F0412 Z8F0413 Z8F041A Z8F0421 Z8F0422 Z8F0423 Z8F042A Z8F0811 Z8F0812 Z8F0813 Z8F081A Z8F0821 Z8F0822 Z8F0823 Z8F082A Z8F0880 Z8F1621 Z8F1622 Z8F1680 Z8F1681 Z8F1682 Z8F2421 Z8F2422 Z8F2480 Z8F3221 Z8F3222 Z8F3281 Z8F3282 Z8F4821 Z8F4822 Z8F4823 Z8F6081 Z8F6082 Z8F6421 Z8F6422 Z8F6423 Z8F6481 Z8F6482 Z8FS021A ZMOT1AHH Z8FS040B ZMOT0BHH ZMOT0BSB Z8FMC04 Z8FMC08 Z8FMC16