Ngc system location is a standard cold cabinet – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

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| Setting Up NGC Chromatography Systems


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

NGC System Location Is a Standard Cold Cabinet

To connect the touch screen to the NGC

system when the system is located in a

cold cabinet perform the following tasks:

Connect the touch screen and communication cables to the NGC

instrument before inserting it into the cold cabinet

Place the instrument in the cold cabinet

Connect the touch screen to the touch screen stand

Connect the touch screen cable to the touch screen

These tasks are explained in detail in the sections that follow.

To connect the touch screen and communication cables


Determine the side of the cold cabinet into which you plan to install the
instrument and place a table on that side of the cabinet.


Locate the touch screen display cable in the accessories kit or the NGC


screen bracket kit (#788-5060).


Bio-Rad provides a standard 5' (1.52 m) cable in the accessories kit

and a 15' cable with the NGC

touch screen bracket kit or the NGC touch

screen stand (#788-5040). A 10' (3.0 m) cable is also available.


Insert the touch screen cable into the touch screen connector port on the back
of the instrument and tighten the thumbscrews.