Sensaphone 2800 User Manual

Page 67

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Chapter 5: Communication Programming


3. Press the ENTER key.

The 2800 will say “ID Number erased.”


The Sensaphone 2800 will dial up to eight 48-digit phone numbers
to report alarm conditions. These are the numbers that will be called
during an alarm dial-out. The unit can deliver an alarm message via
voice telephone call or numeric page. The telephone numbers are
dialed sequentially 1 through 8. Therefore, program the first number
you want called as Phone #1, the second one as Phone #2, and so
on. A pause, pound or asterisk can be added to the phone number
to access different phone and beeper systems (see special dialing
options). Once the alarm is acknowledged, all dial-out stops.

Voice Dialout

When 2800 calls in Voice mode it will announce the ID
Message and the alarm message. Afterward it will ask for the
acknowledgement code. If a correct code is entered, the unit will
stop dialout. If the wrong code is entered it will hang up and
continue dialing the next number.

To program a VOICE dial-out telephone number:

1. Press the SET key.

2. Press the PHONE NUMBER key. The 2800 will say “Enter
