Sensaphone 2800 User Manual

Page 28

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Sensaphone 2800 Manual


Line Seizure

Line seizure gives the 2800 the ability to “seize” the telephone line
when it needs to dial out. For example, if an emergency occurs
which puts the 2800 in alarm mode, the unit will be able to dial
out even if a telephone has been left off the hook. To the right
of the LINE terminals is another set of terminals labeled EXT.
These terminals can be used to share the line with other devices
(telephone, fax machine, modem) and to give the 2800 priority in
the event of an emergency. To make use of this feature you must
have all the extension devices originate from the EXT terminals.
Whenever the unit must make an alarm phone call, the unit will
disconnect any current phone calls and seize the line for its own
use. The unit will continue to seize the line until the alarm has
been acknowledged. To ease installation, an optional accessory is
available (FGD-0060 Line Seizure Kit) which provides an RJ31x
modular wall jack, cable, and wiring instructions.

NOTE: The Line Seizure Kit is not required for the

2800 seizure capability to function correctly. The

Kit allows the disconnection of the 2800 system

from the telephone line while ensuring continued

telephone operation—useful if the 2800 is, for

instance, temporarily removed for service.


The 2800 hard-wired zones are compatible with NO/NC dry
contacts, 2.8K and 10K thermistors, and 4–20mA transducers. To
prevent an alarm from occurring while wiring the sensors, it is
recommended that the zone alarm be disabled [SENSOR ON/OFF]
+ [Zone #1–4]. After wiring all of your sensors you will need to
configure the zones using the [SET] + [CONFIGURE] command.
See Chapter Four for more information on Disabling Zone alarms
and Configuring Zones.

Recommended sequence for adding a new sensor: