Installing support software for windows – Apple PC Compatibility Card User Manual
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Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Press x-E to eject a floppy disk or x-Y to eject a CD when necessary.
When installation is complete, restart the PC environment.
To restart the PC environment, switch to the Mac OS (by pressing x-Return),
open the PC Setup control panel, and click Restart PC. You can also restart
the PC by pressing Control-Alt-….
Installing support software for Windows
Next, you need to install the Windows support software. Follow these steps:
If necessary, switch to the PC environment.
To switch to the PC environment from the Mac OS, press x-Return, or open
the PC Setup control panel and click “Switch to PC.”
Insert the
PC Compatibility Card–PC Software floppy disk.
In Windows, choose Run from the File menu. In Windows 95, click the Start button; then
choose Run from the menu that appears.
In the dialog box that appears, type the following:
Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
The recommended directory to install files is C:\APPLE.
By default all options will be installed. However, you may choose not to
install specific options. These are the installation options:
m Install Macintosh/Windows Copy and Paste: allows you to transfer Clipboard
information between the Mac OS and PC environments
m Install Macintosh/PC Folder Sharing: allows you to use a Mac OS folder
with the PC as a shared PC drive
m Install CD-ROM Support: allows you to use CD-ROM discs in the PC
m Install PC Compatibility Help: helps you set up your Windows or Windows
95 environment to properly work with the PC Compatibility Card
Installing the PC Compatibility Card Software