Installing dos – Apple PC Compatibility Card User Manual
Page 144
Make sure Initialize Drive File is checked.
The Initialize Drive File option is used to create a drive container with a
single partition. A single partition drive container is recommended for most
standard installations. However, you can create a drive container with
multiple partitions. See “Creating a Multiple Partition/Bootable Drive
Container” in Chapter 7, “Setting Up the PC Environment,” if you need a
drive container with multiple partitions.
Click Create.
Installing DOS
Once the drive container is created, the next step is to install DOS software in
it. You can think of a new drive container as a formatted hard drive that needs
an operating system in order to make it a startup disk. You need to install
DOS before you can install any applications (including Windows). Find the
DOS installation disks that came with your PC Compatibility Card and follow
these steps:
Open the PC Setup control panel and click “Switch to PC.”
The Mac OS desktop disappears. (If you set up a dedicated monitor for the
PC environment, the image on the Mac OS monitor dims.) In the PC
environment you’ll see a message about a missing operating system or disk
error. This message indicates that the PC has started up and not found any
operating system.
Insert the first DOS installation floppy disk and press the Space bar to continue.
Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
Press x-E to eject a disk when necessary.
When installation is complete, restart the PC environment.
Restart the PC environment by simultaneously pressing Control-Alt-….
Chapter 6