HP XP Racks User Manual
Page 753

log level
A level that controls the output of the following types of messages: messages, which are output
to the SYSLOG while the Business Continuity Manager agent is running, that show the progress
of the communication execution, and error messages that are output when storage information
is collected. This log level is specified by using the initialization parameter LOGLEVEL of the
Business Continuity Manager agent.
log stream
The set of data to which the system logger service writes log data.
logical DKC
A collection of disk controller volumes, each of which is assigned a CU number in the range from
to FE. In Business Continuity Manager, logical DKCs are distinguishable from ordinary DKCs,
that is to say, the number assigned to each logical DKC (logical DKC serial number) is called a
DKC serial number.
logical DKC
A number (0 or 1) assigned to a logical DKC within the disk controller.
logical DKC serial
A number assigned to each logical DKC.
Logical partition.
Logical record length.
Master journal. The copy source journal for Cnt Ac-J.
main control unit
A disk control unit that controls the P-VOL of a Cnt Ac-S/TCA/Cnt Ac-J copy pair.
Mainframe Agent
A product used for displaying information about mainframe storage systems in Device Manager
or XP7 Replication Manager GUI.
master journal
The copy source journal for Cnt Ac-J.
Main control unit. A disk control unit that controls the P-VOL of a Cnt Ac-S/TCA/Cnt Ac-J copy
Missing interrupt handler.
monitor mode
A startup mode option for Business Continuity Manager agents. If you start a Business Continuity
Manager agent in the monitor mode, you can only monitor copy groups from XP7 Replication
Manager Software.
NG scan
A function for obtaining disk configuration information about volumes for which the OS is not
recognized (Non Gen'ed volume), of the storage system volumes directly connected to a host.
No-update journal
A journal created by Cnt Ac-J after the Cnt Ac-J Z ATTIME suspend time occurs that indicates that
an update did not occur.
Non Gen'ed
A volume not defined by an I/O configuration definition for the operating system (for which the
OS is not recognized), of the storage system volumes connected directly to a host.
consistency group
A consistency group that uses the Open/MF Consistency Preservation Function. This group consists
of both open system copy groups and mainframe system copy groups, and can suspend them
operational testing
A test of the remote site when copy pairs spanning the primary site and one or more other sites
are cut off, to check whether operations are being performed properly, such as during a failure.
Once the test is completed, the primary site and the remote site need to be synchronized again.
Primary volume.
pair information
CSV file
A CSV file in which copy information in a copy group container is described.
pair volume
A pair (P-VOL and S-VOL).