HP XP Racks User Manual

Page 644

background image


Specify Devn or Volser of the primary site. Alternatively, select the device to be paired from
the list of devices.

When selecting a device to be paired from the list of devices, specify s in the AC column of
the target device.

Copy Group Pair Detail
C .-----------------------------------------------------------------------. E
| Pair Selection List (Primary) Row 1 to 5 of 1,119 | 2
| Command ===>

Scroll ===> PAGE |

| |
C | Select range by placing '/' in either Devn( ) or Volser( ): |
D | Devn ( ) :


Volser ( ) :



C | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | AC Prompts Volser Devn SN SSID CU CCA Cyls | --
S | 7310 14002 2340 00 10 262668 |
A | s 7311 14002 2340 00 11 262668 |
| s 7312 14002 2340 00 12 262668 |
* | QA7340 7313 14002 2340 00 13 262668 | ***
| 7314 14002 2340 00 14 262668 |
| |
| F1=Help F4=IprtSMS F5=Second F7=Backward F8=Forward |
| F12=Cancel |

F1=Help F3=Exit F4=Attr F5=Add F6=Sort F7=Backward
F8=Forward F12=Cancel


Press the F5=Second key.

The Pair Selection List (Secondary) panel is displayed.


Specify Devn or Volser of the secondary site. Alternatively, select the device to be paired from
the list of devices.

When selecting a device to be paired from the list of devices, specify s in the AC column of
the target device.

Copy Group Pair Detail
C .-----------------------------------------------------------------------. E
| Pair Selection List (Primary) Row 1 to 5 of 1,119 | 2
| Command ===>

Scroll ===> PAGE |

| |
C | Select range by placing '/' in either Devn( ) or Volser( ): |
C | Devn ( ) : , Volser ( ) : , |
C | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | A .-----------------------------------------------------------------------.
S | S | Pair Selection List (Secondary) Row 1 to 5 of 1,026 |
A | S | Command ===>

Scroll ===> PAGE |

| | |
| | Select range by placing '/' in either Devn( ) or Volser( ): |
* | | Devn ( / ) : 2A01 , 2A02 Volser ( ) :



| | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| | AC Prompts Volser Devn SN SSID CU CCA Cyls |
| C | 2A00 14001 2350 00 00 262668 |
| | 2A01 14001 2350 00 01 262668 |
| F | 2A02 14001 2350 00 02 262668 |
'-- | 2A03 14001 2350 00 03 262668 |
| 2A04 14001 2350 00 04 262668 |
| |
| F1=Help F5=Prim F7=Backward F8=Forward F12=Cancel |
F1=H '-----------------------------------------------------------------------'
F8=Forward F12=Cancel

644 Using the ISPF panels

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