HP XP Racks User Manual
Page 650

Figure 136 Example of defining a copy group container
This section explains the procedures that are required to define a copy group container. They are
as follows:
Defining the copy group ID and copy group attributes
Adding a Consistency Group
Changing a copy group that IS NOT a copy group container to one that IS (adding a
consistency group)
Changing a copy group that IS a copy group container to one that IS NOT (deleting a
consistency group)
Defining an EXCTG
Saving the contents of the settings
Defining the copy group ID and copy group attributes
To define the copy group ID and copy group attributes:
Display the Discover/Define Configuration panel and choose 4 Copy Group Definitions.
The Copy Group Selection List panel appears.
Press the F5=Add key (to add a Continuous Access Journal Z copy group).
The Add Copy Group panel appears.
Specify the Copy Group ID, Device Address Domain (for both Primary and Secondary), Copy
Group Type, and specify / for Use Container.
| Add Copy Group |
| Command ===>
| |
| Copy Group ID . . . GRP1UR2 |
| Device Address Domain, |
| Primary . . . . . SF |
650 Using the ISPF panels