HP XP RAID Manager Software User Manual
Page 270

A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that describes the physical volumes
corresponding to the paired volume names.
A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that defines how RAID Manager groups
link to remote RAID Manager instances.
A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that defines the same information as
the HORCM_INST section, but also allows you to specify the path ID of the Continuous Access
software link for each device group.
A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that specifies stable LDEV and serial
numbers of physical volumes that correspond to paired logical volume names.
A section of the RAID Manager instance configuration file that describes the host name or IP
address, the port number, and the paired volume error monitoring interval of the local host.
A running copy of RAID Manager. Instances can be local or remote. Multiple instances can run
on the same host.
Local control port.
Logical disk controller.
local disk
A disk in the local array. Sometimes refers to a disk in a local host.
local instance
The RAID Manager instance currently being configured or the instance to which commands are
Logical unit number. A LUN results from mapping a logical unit number, port ID, and LDEV ID to
a RAID group. The size of the LUN is determined by the emulation mode of the LDEV and the
number of LDEVs associated with the LUN.
Logical Unit Size Expansion. The LUSE feature is available when the HP StorageWorks LUN
Manager product is installed, and allows a LUN, normally associated with only a single LDEV,
to be associated with 1 to 36 LDEVs. Essentially, LUSE makes it possible for applications to access
a single large pool of storage.
Main volume.
Main control unit.
Microsoft Cluster Service.
Mirror unit.
Primary volume.
parity group
A set of hard disk drives that have the same capacity and that are treated as one group. A parity
group contains both user data and parity information, which enables user data to be accessed
if one or more drives in the group is not available.
A path is created by associating a port, a target, and a LUN ID with one or more LDEVs. Also
known as a LUN.
Power distribution unit. The rack device that distributes conditioned AC or DC power within a
A physical connection that allows data to pass between a host and the disk array. The number
of ports on a disk array depends on the number of supported I/O slots and the number of ports
available per I/O adapter. The P9000 and XP family of disk arrays supports Fibre Channel (FC)
ports and other port types. Ports are named by port group and port letter, such as CL1-A. CL1 is
the group; A is the port letter.
Pair suspended-error.
Pair suspended-split.
Remote volume.
RAID level
A configuration of disk drives that uses striping, mirroring, and parity to improve performance
and data availability and reliability.
RAID Manager
The CLI configuration and replication tool for the P9000 or XP disk array that system administrators
can use to enter RAID Manager commands from open-system hosts to perform Continuous Access,
Business Copy, Database Validator, and Data Retention operations, as well as provisioning
commands on logical devices.
270 Glossary