Hp xp7 performance advisor licenses, Permanent licenses – HP XP Performance Advisor Software User Manual
Page 22
performance data for the current internal raw disk capacities of the monitored XP disk arrays
or usable capacities of the monitored P9500 disk arrays.
Configured alarms, notifications, reports, charts, and all other functions continue to work.
However, the generated report contains a warning message for license expiry at the beginning
of the report.
WARNING: License violation was detected for this array. This report may not capture
performance data about the recent configuration changes made in the
Please purchase the required Performance Advisor licenses immediately.
The License screen displays the following changes:
Screen elements
Displays the status as Expired.
License Status
Displays the capacity as 0.
License Capacity (TB)
Displays the following status message:
License has expired. Grace Period has expired on
month, day, year. Please purchase the required
Performance Advisor licenses now to continue using
Performance Advisor on this Array.
Where, month, day, year refers to the date till when the
grace period is valid.
The above status message is also displayed on the
Dashboard screen.
For HP XP7 Performance Advisor to continue configuration collection for additional internal raw
disk capacities on the monitored XP disk arrays or usable capacities on the monitored XP or XP7
disk arrays, install Permanent licenses on HP XP7 Performance Advisor for each of the XP or XP7
disk arrays. Contact your HP representative to procure the additional licenses.
Related Topics
“Generating licenses” (page 30)
“Installing licenses” (page 31)
HP XP7 Performance Advisor licenses
HP XP7 Performance Advisor supports the following licenses:
Permanent (for XP and XP7 disk arrays)
Meter based Term license (only for XP7 disk arrays)
To install these licenses on Performance Advisor, see the Hewlett-Packard Authorization Center
(HPAC) website:
Permanent licenses
Permanent licenses are primary licenses that you generate and install on HP XP7 Performance
Advisor to monitor an XP or an XP7 disk array. Permanent licenses are for an unlimited duration,
perpetual, and unique to an XP or XP7 disk array. After generating a Permanent license, the HP
XP7 Performance Advisor LTU and the registration number are bound to the following:
The XP or XP7 disk array serial number
The XP or XP7 disk array type
The internal raw disk capacity or the usable capacity for which the license is generated
Managing licenses for XP and XP7 disk arrays