HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 93

Adjusting Line Width as You Type
Advanced Editing Features
058060 Tandem Computers Incorporated
Adjusting Line Width as
You Type
You can set TEDIT to adjust the line width as you type. That is, when you
, TEDIT automatically moves any words that are beyond the
line width you specified down to the next line. The cursor moves along
with the words. This feature is called auto word wrap.
The following examples illustrate how TEDIT adjusts line width when auto
word wrap is in effect. Assume you are typing the sentence shown in the
next example and you have the align width set to 50. If you have auto word
wrap set to ON, when you press
at the end of the line, all the text
that falls to the right of 50 columns (and the cursor) move down to the next
line as shown. (If you have auto word wrap set to OFF, only the cursor
moves to the next line; the text stays exactly where you typed it.)
The quarterly budgeting meeting has been schedule
for March 15 at 8 A.M.
1 After you press
RETURN , this text
moves to the next line.
2 The cursor is still
at the end of the line.
The quarterly budgeting meeting has been scheduled for March 15 at 8 A.M
1 You have just
typed this line.
2 The cursor is here;
press RETURN .
Setting up auto word wrap involves making changes on both the
KEYS screen. You already made the change to the RECONFIGURE
OPTIONS screen. Here are the steps to set up the RECONFIGURE
FUNCTION-KEYS screen for auto word wrap.
Make sure that you have set both the auto word wrap and RETURN
function settings on the RECONFIGURE OPTIONS screen to ON. See
the previous discussion.
Press *C.