HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 72

Tabbing to the Stops and Typing the Agenda
Customizing TEDIT for a Columned List
058060 Tandem Computers Incorporated
Tabbing to the Stops and
Typing the Agenda
Now you are ready to type the rest of the agenda. If you have the RETURN
function, press
to put the cursor under the first column heading. If
not, press the terminal
key followed by the TEDIT TAB key. Note that
the terminal
key does not work with the tab stops set with TEDIT; the
key merely moves you to the first column of the next line.
Pressing the TEDIT TAB key moves the cursor to the tab stops.
Type the information you see in the following example.
8:00 Presentations by Department Heads
name department
Monreau publisher
Riveira finance
Yuen administration
Medici design and layout
Strauss production
McAdams editing
Kitahara printing and distribution
Goncherov marketing
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Ideas for next quarter
2:45 Break
3:00 Negotiations
4:30 Approval of budget