HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 224
Indenting the First Line of Paragraphs
Adjusting the Text
058060 Tandem Computers Incorporated
Indenting Text
No indentation is in effect. Text appears as entered in edit file.
TFORM has several commands you use to indent text, depending on the
specific task you want to perform. The following paragraphs discuss using
indentation in these ways:
Indenting the first line of paragraphs
Indenting single lines of text
Indenting a block of text
Indenting the First Line of
To set a standard indentation for the first lines of paragraphs, use the
STYLE PARAGRAPHS INDENT command. This command requires a
value to indicate how far you want to indent from the left margin. TFORM
assumes this value to be in characters, but you can enter other units of
measurement. To indent all paragraphs eight characters from the left, enter
this command at the beginning of the edit file:
The STYLE PARAGRAPHS INDENT command lets you use relative values.
A plus sign (+) before the value moves the text to the right. A negative
sign (–) before the value moves the text to the left. If you want a hanging
indent—an extension of the text into the left margin—enter STYLE
PARAGRAPHS INDENT with a minus before the value. Hanging indents
can be a useful device to draw attention to specific text.
When you use plus and minus values with the STYLE PARAGRAPHS
INDENT command, TFORM adds or subtracts the values from the current
setting. To return to the default setting, which indents paragraphs the
number of spaces you put in the edit file, enter STYLE PARAGRAPHS
INDENT with no value. Figure 9-9 presents the same text in two edit files.
In the first file, each paragraph is indented using a positive value. In the
second file, each paragraph is indented using a negative value. Both
settings assume that prior to these commands, no paragraph indentation
was in effect. Figure 9-10 shows the results of these settings.