HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 157

Using Section Markers
Working With Larger Files
058060 Tandem Computers Incorporated
To move the table section, make sure that SECTION is still persisting on
the status line. Press MOVE. TEDIT moves the text that is between the
cursor position and the next section marker onto the scratchpad. Notice
that the section marker at the end of the section was not moved along
with the section.
Press FORWARD to move to the end of the letter section. Notice that
there is no section marker at the end of the letter, but the end of the
letter is also the end of the file. TEDIT sees the end of the file as the end
of a section. In fact, TEDIT sees the end of the file as the end of any text
so on).
Move the cursor down one line. Press RETRIEVE. TEDIT retrieves the
table at the cursor position.
You can use this same procedure to move the agenda section. Move it to
fall between the letter and the table. First, find the agenda. With SECTION
still on the status line, press BACKWARD until you see the agenda. Then
press MOVE, reposition the cursor by pressing FORWARD until you see
the table, insert a blank line, and press RETRIEVE.
Because the entire agenda fits on one screen, you could move the agenda section using the
text item SECTION or the text item WINDOW. The text item WINDOW is not the same thing
as the windows you open and close with the OPENWINDOW and CLOSEWINDOW
commands. The text item WINDOW is defined as all the text between the cursor position
and the bottom of the window the cursor is in (in some cases the bottom of the window is the
same as the bottom of the screen). Try using MOVE with both SECTION and WINDOW to
see how it works; try one, UNDO it, and try the other.