HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 83

Using the Profile
Customizing TEDIT for a Columned List
058060 Tandem Computers Incorporated
To check that the profile was saved, give the SAVEPROFILE command
again or give the USEPROFILE command discussed next. Both commands
show you a list of the profiles you have saved. After you have seen the list,
you can cancel the SAVEPROFILE or USEPROFILE command, or you can
reissue it—TEDIT does not save the profile twice under the same name.
Using the Profile
When you start a TEDIT session, you automatically use the default profile.
The name of the default profile is * (star). If you want to use another
profile you have saved, such as AGENDA, give the USEPROFILE
command. You can give this command at any time during an editing
session when you want to use another profile. Follow these steps to
instruct TEDIT to use the AGENDA profile:
Press *C.
On the response line, type USEPROFILE (or simply US). Press *C
When the second set of response lines appears, type the profile name,
AGENDA. See the following example. Notice that the response lines
look just the same as when you give the SAVEPROFILE command
except the profiles you have saved, in this case just the one profile
called AGENDA, appear in a list below the response lines.
Profile Name: Profile File: $MYVOL.MYSUBVOL.TEDPROFL
AGENDA 14Aug87 Tabs at 10 & 30
Name of the profile
you saved
Type the name of the profile
you want to use here.
Date the profile was saved
TEDIT automatically
copies the remarks
OPTIONS screen.