HP Integrity NonStop H-Series User Manual
Page 229

Indenting a Single Line
Adjusting the Text
058060 Tandem Computers Incorporated
To TFORM, the value you enter as part of an INDENT command refers to
the number of lines in your edit file. This value might not be the same
number of lines that the text takes up when it’s printed. This difference in
input lines and output lines can cause some unexpected results, as shown in
Figures 9-11 and 9-12.
In Figure 9-11, you want to indent the first line of text five characters to the
left. TFORM assumes you want to indent all of the text on the first line.
Once it inserts the five-character space, however, the text no longer fits
within the margins. So, TFORM moves a word or two down to the next
line. TFORM then indents the second line too, because it contains text
originally on the first line, as shown in Figure 9-12.
Figure 9-11. Indenting Commands in the Edit File
At this time, we will be reviewing all budget requests. Be sure to
submit your proposal by Tuesday, April 4th, in order to be included
in this review.
When formatted,
this text is moved
to the second line.
Figure 9-12. Unexpected Indentation in the Printed Document
At this time, we will be reviewing all budget requests. Be sure
to submit your proposal by Tuesday, April 4th, in order to be
included in this review.
TFORM indents all
the text from the first
line in the edit file.