West Control Solutions Pro-EC44 User Manual

Page 56

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Pro-EC44 2-Loop Graphical Profile Controller & Recorder

Pro-EC44 Product Manual - 59540-1 October 2013

Page 49

Digital Input Setup - Sub-menu to setup the Digital Inputs. Press D + R to return to Input Menu
Digital Input Status

A diagnostic status ( = OFF,  = ON, Ø = not available) for digital inputs

A; C1 to C

8 and “Soft “digital inputs S1 to S4. If used for profile selection, it

also shows bit pattern type (binary or BCD) and selected profile number.

Tick Digital Inputs To

Select digitals input with  to invert their operation (making them appear

OFF when their actual state is ON). Inputs shown as Ø are not available.

Profile Selection

Select the bit pattern to be used for profile selection. Binary or BCD (Binary

Coded Decimal). Select None if profile selection not is required.

Choose Profile

For profiler versions, the Multi-Digital Input option can be used to select the

profile to run with a standard binary bit pattern or binary coded decimal
from BCD switches. C1 is the least significant bit (LSB) of the bit pattern.
Profiles are numbered from 0 to 63.
Use the table to choose inputs C1 to Cn for the number of profiles to select:


C1 to C2 C1 to C3 C1 to C4 C1 to C5 C1 to C6 C1 to C7


0 to 1

0 to 3

0 to 7

0 to 15

0 to 31

0 to 63


0 to 1

0 to 3

0 to 7

0 to 9

0 to 19

0 to 39 0 to 63

Any inputs chosen for profile selection are not available for other uses.
– refer to the Digital Inputs on page 75.

Configure Digital

Select any available digital input or soft digital input to be configured for

use. The current status of each is shown as Assigned or Unused.

Soft Digital Input n
Digital Input Logic

Set up a

“Soft” digital input n that is the result of the Boolean AND

selections of physical inputs,

globally OR’d with the OR selections.

Press U or D to select  / deselect  the options. Inputs shown as Ø are
not available

– refer to the Digital Inputs on page 75.

Soft Digital Input n

Further set up of

“Soft” digital input n that adds the Boolean OR of Alarms

& Events to the physical digital inputs already selected.

Press U or D to select  / deselect  the options. Inputs shown as Ø are
not available

– refer to the Digital Inputs on page 75.

Digital Input n

Select the function to be operated from digital input n.

– The possible

functions are:
Loop 1 or 2 Setpoint Select; Loop 1 or 2 Auto/Manual Select; Loop 1 or 2
Control Select; Loop 1 or 2 Pre-Tune Select; Loop 1 or 2 Self-Tune Select
Clear All Latched Outputs; Output n Clear Latch; Output n Forcing On or
Off; Profile Run/Hold; Profile Hold Segment Release; Profile Abort; Data
Recorder Trigger or Key n Mimic (replicating pressing L D U or R).

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