Alarms, Profiler option – West Control Solutions Pro-EC44 User Manual
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Pro-EC44 2-Loop Graphical Profile Controller & Recorder
Pro-EC44 Product Manual - 59540-1 October 2013
Page 253
Number of Alarms:
Seven alarms are configurable for any supported type.
Alarm Types:
Process High; Process Low; PV-SP Deviation; Band; Control
Loop; Rate Of Signal Change per minute
– all with optional
minimum duration and start-up inhibit.
Input Signal Break; % Recorder Memory Used, Control Power
High, Control Power Low.
Duration & Start-up Inhibit Process High; Low; Deviation; Band; Loop; Rate Of Change alarms
have an optional start-up inhibit function and adjustable minimum
duration time from Off to 9999 seconds before activation.
If the duration is less than this time, the alarm will not
activate no matter what the value is.
Alarm Hysteresis:
Adjustable deadband from 1 LSD (Least significant display digit) to
full span (in display units) for Process, Band or Deviation Alarms.
Combination Alarm &
Events Outputs:
Logically AND or OR any alarm or profile event (inc Profile running
or ended) to switch an output. The output can be set to switch on
when the condition is true, or when the condition is not true.
Profiler Option
Profile Limits:
Number of profiles = 64 maximum.
Total number of segments = 255 maximum (shared by all programs).
Segment Types:
Ramp Up/Down over time, Ramp Rate Up/Down*, Step, Dwell, Hold,
Loop, Join A Profile, End or Repeat Sequence Then End.
*Ramp Rate is not available when profile controls two loops
All times are specified in hh:mm:ss (Hours, Minutes & Seconds).
Segment Time:
Maximum segment time 99:59:59 hh:mm:ss. Use loop-back for
longer segments (e.g. 24:00:00 x 100 loops = 100 days).
Ramp Rate:
Ramp Up or Down at 0.001 to 9999.9 display units per hour.
Hold Segment Release:
Release from menu key-press, At Time Of Day or via a Digital Input.
Profile Starting Point
The first segment setpoint(s) begin from either the setpoint, or
current measured input value, of the controlled loop(s)
Delayed Start:
After 0 to 99:59 (hh:mm) time delay, or at specified day(s) & time.
Profile End Action:
Selectable from: Keep Last Profile Setpoint, Use Controller Setpoint
or Control Outputs Off.
Profile Abort Action:
Selectable from: Keep Last Profile Setpoint, Use Controller Setpoint
or Control Outputs Off.
Power/signal Loss
Recovery Action:
Selectable from: Continue Profile, Restart Profile, Keep Last Profile
Setpoint, Use Controller Setpoint or Control Outputs Off.
Off or Hold if input >Band above and/or below SP for each segment.
Profile Control:
Run, Manual Hold/Release, Abort or jump to next segment.
Profile Timing Accuracy:
0.02% Basic Profile Timing Accuracy.
±<0.5 second per Loop, End or Join segment.
Profile Cycling:
1 to 9999 or Infinite repeats per profile.
Sequence Repeats:
1 to 9999 or Infinite repeats of joined profile sequences.
Loop Back Segments:
1 to 9999 loops back to specified segment.
Segment Events:
Events turn on for the duration of the segment. If events are set on
for End segments, the event states persist until another profile starts,
the user exits profiler mode, or the unit is powered down.