Clear-Com HLI-FBS User Manual
Page 139
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IP Address
IP address: xx.xx.xx.xx where x is a numeric value
Software Version
npl-1.0.x, uboot
Software Update
Reset to Default
Reset Now
Important Note:
There are 4 levels of Menu for Hardware
Main PCB
Part: [Part_Number]
Revision: [Revision]
Serial number: [Serial number]
Line (partyline) that connects beltpack to the
network (and which also powers the beltpack).
Status: [OK or BUSY (according to responses to MME
DMC:[MAC of powerline modem]
HMC: [MAC of local blackfin processor]
MMC: [MAC of the Main Station powerline modem, to
which the beltpack is connected]
Rx rate: Range: 140 – 150 Mbps
Tx rate: Range: 140 – 150 Mbps
Keysets 1 to 4
Name: Channel name
Talkers: Number of talkers on party line
Beltpacks: Number of beltpacks listening on party line
Main Stations: Number of Main Stations listening
2-Wire: Number of 2-Wire ports listening
4-Wire: Number of 4-Wire ports listening
Table 66: HBP-2X Beltpack
HelixNet Partyline User Guide