4 using the all talk key, 5 using the sa [stage announce] key, 6 using the rmk [remote mic kill ] key – Clear-Com HLI-FBS User Manual
Page 86: 7 line 1 and 2 leds, Using the all talk key, Using the sa [ stage announce ] key, Using the rmk [ remote mic kill ] key, Line 1 and 2 leds, Ee 7.5 using the sa [ stage announce ] key, 5 using the sa [ stage announce ] key
4 using the all talk key, 5 using the sa [stage announce] key, 6 using the rmk [remote mic kill ] key | 7 line 1 and 2 leds, Using the all talk key, Using the sa [ stage announce ] key, Using the rmk [ remote mic kill ] key, Line 1 and 2 leds, Ee 7.5 using the sa [ stage announce ] key, 5 using the sa [ stage announce ] key | Clear-Com HLI-FBS User Manual | Page 86 / 143