EVS MulticamLSM Version 10.01 - July 2009 Operating Manual User Manual
Page 86

EVS Multicam Version 10.01 – Operating Manual
EVS Broadcast Equipment SA – July 2009
Criteria Description
Time code This restricts the search to the clips containing the time code
specified in this field. The time code search is not applied on
“Record in progress” clips.
To define a time code, type the desired value when the red
text cursor is visible in that field.
The <BACKSPACE> key can be used to clear the last digit
Date from /
This restricts the search to clips created between these 2
dates specified in these fields.
If only Date to field is defined, all clips created before that
date will be considered.
If only Date from field is defined, all clips created after that
date will be considered.
The <BACKSPACE> key can be used to clear the last digit
entered. Press the <TAB> key again to move the cursor back
to the keywords list.
Level /
This restricts the search to the clips with a ranking equal or
higher to the ranking defined in that screen.
Press the ←/→ arrow keys until reaching the desired ranking,
and press ENTER. The selected ranking is highlighted in
Press the <TAB> key again to move the cursor back to the
keywords list.
This restricts the search to the clips containing all keywords
defined in this screen.
To assign a keyword, move the cursor to the desired keyword
and press ENTER, or click on the keyword using the stylus.
A maximum of 3 keywords can be used as search criteria. If
all 3 keyword locations are already occupied, the operator
needs to clear some of them to select new keywords.
This restricts the search to the clips having the archive status
On the VGA
None (default)
clips not archived
clips to be archived >A
clips archived